
金子 尚志 博士(工学)


滋賀県立大学環境科学部環境建築デザイン学科准教授/ESTEC and Partners/Passive Design Laboratory






1967年 東京都生まれ


神戸芸術工科大学大学院修士課程修了 修士(芸術工学)

東京都立大学大学院都市環境科学研究科博士後期課程都市環境科学域修了 博士(工学)




株式会社エステック計画研究所 共同主宰

現在、滋賀県立大学環境科学部環境建築デザイン学科ESTEC and PartnersPassive Design Laboratory(ホーチミン・ベトナム)


KANEKO Naoshi  Ph. D.

Associate professor, University of Shiga Prefecture/ESTEC and Partners

Architecture and urban design for the environment


The architecture and urban in a well-tempered environment.

“Passive design” utilizes natural energy and a regional environment for architecture.

“Clima Design” uses environmental engineering techniques as design subjects for indoor and outdoor environments and climates, Architecture coexisting with the environment, Architecture responding to the environment, Ecological collective design, Sustainable urban system, etc, In our laboratory and architect office, we have been practicing multiple activities as research, planning, and design on all of the above approaches.


Born in 1967, Tokyo

BA, Faculty of Science and Engineering, TOYO University

MA, Integrated Arts and Design Division, KOBE DESIGN UNIVERSITY

Ph. D, Tokyo Metropolitan University


Architectural design department Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd.

Special researcher, KOBE DESIGN UNIVERSITY

ESTEC DESIGN, vice-president

University of Shiga PrefectureESTEC and PartnersPassive Design Laboratory(Ho Chi Minh , Vietnam)